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Regular price HK$430.00
Regular price Sale price HK$430.00
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It is a solution that has superior skin regeneration properties and is recommended to be used after intensive procedures. With 100% fresh EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor) as a key ingredient it has many benefits for your skin, including wrinkle improvement, hydration, and pigmentation prevention.

Key Features:

  1. Daily nutrition and regeneration skincare
  2. Has anti-aging and brightening benefits
  3. Acts as a regenerating essence for super sensitive and extremely dry skin
  4. Reduces hyperpigmentation that may be caused after intensive skin treatments
  5. Improves the epidermis and protects cells from free radicals
  6. You can expect brighter younger looking skin after using this solution

特別適合美容療程創傷後使用 ✔微針矽針 ✔激光 ✔打疣 ✔果酸煥膚 ✔暗瘡傷口 主要功能 🔸️促進皮膚新陳代謝,刺激細胞再生 🔸️增新生骨膠原,令皮膚於短時間內令重現健康質素,變得細滑 🔸️加速退減色素保護幼嫩肌膚,達至保濕及美白 🔸️幫助傷口癒合,防印防疤 呢支野又名Baby face👶精華液,源用全球認可最新鮮冷凍保存技術,將分子變成海綿狀,令分子更易滲透入肌底。 👨‍🔬👨‍⚕️專利成份由韓國首爾大學研究而成EGF表皮加速修護,刺激表皮細胞生長達到修補,增生肌膚表層細胞。

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